Interproximal Brush


Interproximal brushes are wont to clean the space in between your teeth, like floss. The brushes are available various sizes, starting from .4 mm to .8 mm. Sometimes mentioned as “in-betweeners” these brushes concentrate on cleaning wide or open spaces between teeth, including the space around and between the premolars and molars.
How to Use Interproximal Brushes with Braces
1. Select the right size
2. Insert gently
3. Move the comb back and forth between the teeth
4. Switch to a bigger interproximal brush
5. Use the comb to wash round the brackets and under the wire
6. Change sizes and curve the neck and wire as required
Without Braces
1. Select the right size
2. Insert gently
3. Move the comb back and forth between the teeth
4. Change sizes and curve the neck and wire as required
Interproximal Decay and Cavities
Interproximal decay occurs when the space between two teeth begins to decay. Interproximal decay is tough to spot through general clinical practice and is usually found during an x-ray of the teeth. the opposite thanks to predict an interproximal cavity is when the decay breaks through the second layer of enamel and wears into the dentin, causing hot/cold sensitivity.
Because your toothbrush cannot reach the interproximal space of your teeth, it’s important to use tools, like floss or an interproximal brush to wash in between your teeth. This, along side regular brushing and dentist visits are going to be the simplest thanks to avoid an interproximal cavity.

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