Easy Ways to Prevent Bad Breath.

Please remember, preventing bad breath is always easier than treating it. By developing the right habits, you can be effective at preventing bad breath

  1. Use mouthwash – Some mouthwashes or oral rinses are effective at preventing bad breath. However, you should never use alcohol based mouthwashes because the alcohol makes the mouth very dry, which will actually cause bad breath.
  2. Drink green and black teas – They contain polyphenols that help eliminate sulfur compounds and reduce oral bacteria.
  3. Stop smoking – Studies have shown that smokers present a higher risk of developing periodontal disease and bad breath because smoking causes dry mouth which can cause bad breath.
  4. Breathe through your nose instead of your mouth – Try to address any snoring or sleep apnea issues that could be affecting your breath and causing dry mouth.
  5. Clean your dentures at least once a day – Practice the same proper oral care that you would with your original teeth.

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